Sunday, November 30, 2008

Takin out my frustration!!! 1 blog at a time!!

Stupid morons!!! Stop talking about Bombay’s resilience!!! We all know the greatness of Bombay (sorry to everyone who prefers Mumbai)…!!!

It is a city like no other: always bustling with life, the city of movies and money, the city which attracts people by the thousands, a city with perhaps the most unique flavor in India!! I went there as a 10-yr old and it had the buzz that Bangalore has now!!! (needless to say, fell in love with it!)

Being the most sought after city, is making it a sift target for everyone who wants to disrupt peace in India… and the recent attack is one of many in the recent decade!! Every episode ended with a “Bombay will be resilient bla bla bla!”
Oh come on!! Think people, why are we taking this amazing capability of the city as a cover-up for the inefficiencies of our police, politicians and administration???

Just because we can get back on our feet in record-time does not mean we cannot take action against people who are out to terrorize our motherland!! It is high time the idiots who are ruling our country take some drastic measures (I know the common thinking is to annihilate a neighboring country of ours, and I did not mean that by drastic measures)…

Please please!! I am begging everyone who has the power to do something right for the country, to do so!!

WE NEED TO STOP TAKING SHIT and the sooner we do, the better!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ure right bubble. We cant keep using the term resilience to cover up , and sometimes disregard, the actual thing tat has happened.