Wednesday, October 8, 2008

oh India, where art thou???

It does not REALLY serve the purpose if I wrote the 3rd part of my blog a whole month after arriving here, does it?? But, you gotta do what you gotta do… So, here goes….
Wow… Wondering where to start!!!! First things first… The lanes run opposite to what we have back home!!! Oh yeah?? You think that’s small ha?? Nope… Its not I say, its NOT!!!! Its so confusing that I don’t even want a car till I get used to it (did not mention bike coz of same reason!!) I still look the wrong way while crossing the roads!!!
Crossing the roads!! Sigh… another depressing thing abt America… they have signals every 100 meters I suppose… which basically means, more stopping before crossing (guess what, these people are actually serious about following the “red=stop; amber=get ready and green=go” system here!!!) I don’t remember the last time I followed it while riding my scooty…… ;)
My scooty is being given away!!! My first loooooooooooooooove!!! Oooow!! Wait a min…. considering scooty was also my only love, is it time for luv!!!! Hmmmmm…. I wish I had time for it…. All busy with assignments already!!! Its only our 2nd week… show some concern plz people!!! Don’t I need time to get acclimatized with the funda of studying like I have my board exams every quarter….!!!
Another thing, 1 dollar ACTUALLY has value here… its like the American equivalent of 40 INR!!! Look, I cant say 48 cuz it pains me to see dollar rate increasing… hope it stops.. hope hope hope…. Ow, btw…. Photocopying (not Xerox-ing) costs 5 cents a page…. Which roughly translates to 5 INR a page…… oh man.. jus imagine tat.. I would never have passed BE if photocopy rates were so high in india…
Arre.. there is a red wriggly line under India in previous sentence…. I know tats India and not india… but Microsoft defaults “microsoft” to become “Microsoft” and “america” to “America” in word… why not india I ask???? Oi u Microsoft people…. Count the number of Indians in your company and show some respect to the best bunch of programmers you ever got.. and one more thing.. Microsoft might be American.. but English is Brit….!!! So, the default of English should be U.K. and not U.S.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait a min.. wasn’t the blog supposed to be about how I adjusted???? Hmmm.. I am happily settled into a routine here… no issues whatsoever!! Yay!! Dunno how it happened but it did…. And I aint complainin….
Missing India (set it to autocorrect) a lot from time to time… but I know exactly wat are the expectations from me…. So it’s a focused approach now… towards MS… and then head home… home is where the heart is.. and my head, heart, soul is all in India!!! :D

1 comment:

Rosh said...

Yes babes .. I agree .. India is where the heart is.