Thursday, December 31, 2009

09 Thank you Part 2

Dr Wheatley: for being the best advisor I could ask for.. thanks for all ur support thru out this yr…

Aggi: there is not another undergrad in drexel who is as helpful and sweet… he is pure gold… and I am so happy that I met u this yr… have a wonderful yr kid…
Shreyas: his email was the inspiration for the blog last yr… and he has been my one constant RV-kannada-slang connection all thru the year… doubly glad u are in the US now…

Priyamvada: find me another person with that much energy and I will give u $100… awesome fun to talk to always, and a great friends… thanks sweetie… looking forward to meeting you…

Partho: finally met you after 15 months… and spent the best days of my stay in the US this yr in your company and rash’s… NY trip would have been a lot duller if u hadn’t found us accommodation and jus been there thru the trip…

338 bay ridge: staying in NY, a HUGE thanks to the 4 guys whose company we had during our NY trip… whether it was kannada slang or poking fun at each other at the buffet, you guys were extraordinary sweet, helpful and fun… thanks 2 varun and kiran for knowing the places to visit, and more importantly guiding us in getting there, karthik for some incredible pics (and giving me an update abt every1 I know in RVCE-EC) and vinay for just putting up with us while we freaked abt little signs that said “sale”…

Shubha n shashi: for helping bro with his weddin shopping… wow, hats off… u guys did an amazing job at it… n he looked every bit the groom…

Rashmi’s family: it took me exactly 1 sec to belong to your family… thanks for being the most kind and affectionate family I have met outside my own…

Carl: I wanted to skip thanking you coz u have such a bright spot in my otherwise dull year… but guess skipping u wud make the whole thank-u list a no-show… cuz of u, lab has been more than jus work… thanks for everything, including the hot chocolate…

Vas: I have no idea where 2 start thankin u either… but hey, is it ok to jus say ‘hmmm'?

India trip: this has to be the one thing I have been most thankful for this yr… bro’s wedding, meeting every single person in the family… wow, now that was special…

PS: there are still some people missing in this list… but this blog cant go on forever…

09.. Thanks.. Part 1

Looking back at another year gone by…

It is that time of the year when I thank everyone and everything that has been a part of my life in the year… this year was like no other, but then again, every yr is different and maybe that is what makes us look forward to a new one every January 1.. before 2009 wraps, need 2 look back and recap all the main people/events in my otherwise quite ordinary life…

In no random order here starts…

Roomies: Nandy and Sug are the best roomies anyone can ask for… and this yr established this beyond any doubts… 15 months and still we are close and poke fun at every1 and everything in our lives… there are the people who drift in and out of your life.. and there are these 2 (includes some others 2)… who ll nag u abt your excessive weight-loss, hoist u up when some1 has been mean, laugh with u wen u explain how u goofed up in front of the only guy u like, cry with u when something gets 2 hard to handle for lesser mortals, who teach u to cook, sing, dance, who talk with u till 4 in the mrng coz u can’t fall asleep… to everything thru the yr, thanks dudes….!!

Rosh n Thangu: hehehehehe…. Life wud be less entertaining without u 2 for sure… whether it was Thangu’s innovative entre ideas or Rosh’s many dance imitations of us, it was one exciting ride this yr with u 2 on board… rosh is not technically my roomie, but has definitely been as close as the other 2 mentioned above…
Drexel seniors: for constant advice and fun thru out the yr, special thanks to the Pragathi board who were before us… Drexel would be less fun without all those events celebrating festivals, watching movies, random exchange of gyaan during Nasha or coffee breaks in biomed kitchen (special thanks to Anup, Sankesh, Shankar…) I reiterate that u are the BEST seniors we cud have asked for, and wish the very best for 2010..

Desyphr: Rishi, DK, Adrian, Chandru, David…. I really don’t care who liked u or not during nasha, you are my fav desi- rock band… your jamming sessions (whatever little I came to) were always so much fun… and I’m so glad u guys smiled at my 0-knowledge of ur music, and gave so many fun memories thru this yr…
Shamanth: for always being there 2 hear me go on n on about some1 and every1… and for the email u sent with ur wedding invite… still kicking myself for missing ur weddin…

Cerner gang: going back to the place where I worked, I got the same affection from every1… like I have never left it… a special thanks 2 drunkie for joining me on our cutting-chai sessions durin every visit… special thanks 2 BB too, u are fabulous babes… to quote a cliché.. never change…

Seema & Chin: heheheheh.. deliberately put u guys together… u guys are so awesome… good luck with everything…

Medha aka duck: special thanks little one… shopping with u is always so much fun… thanks for all the endless patience u have… glad u dint cry when I left this time… u are my trigger button… love u sis… good luck with whatever u wanna do in life… know that I ll be there 2 support u..

Rash: you haven’t changed a bit in the 2 yrs u have been here… still the same endearing ol’ rash… so so soooooooooooo happy that we spent time in NY… yay!! Thanks for putting up with crazy antics for a week…

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

NYC Day 2

Rain was predicted, and voila! the weather website predicted right!! Walked out bundled up for the chill winds and cold drizzle… this was our first day on our own (and I mean it! None of the guys answered our calls cuz they were all busy) and we did not expect the totally damp day would make us cranky and irritated…
First stop was grand central terminal… we reached there just around lunch time, and were positively starved… after a couple of pics here and there, and after giving rash a crash-course in the importance of this place in the movie Madagascar, we headed to their food court… when you are spoilt for choice like here, hunger takes a backseat and eating some fancy takes top priority.. and that is exactly what we did.. 30 min after reaching the place, we decided on pizza (what else?) I ordered the Sicilian pizza (ok! Someone tricked me into believing NY pizza is thick crust… it is NOT!!) with loads of veggies and little cheese… rash had her cheesy Stromboli and Partho doubled his chicken pizza slice… One pic later, we attacked our food… and walked out after a dozen more pics…

Toys R Us was next on the cards… the ferris wheel and my face lit up… what made me happier still was the fact that it was open to ‘adults’… after spending 1.5 hrs walking in the store, and getting lord knows how many pics with the dinosaur, lego toys, cooing about their stuffed toys and everything else they have… we marched to the ferris wheel queue… there we saw that we had to wait another 1.5 hrs for the ride.. my puppy dog eyes did not work on either Partho or rash and we marched out of the toys r us store into macys…

World’s largest store having their biggest sale, and we went right in… it took us a good 45 min to find decent deals even with their upto 70% discounts (oh well, a Michael Kors bag for $150 after 50% off isn’t my idea of discounts)… as rash and I went from aisle to aisle and floor to floor searching for everything from gloves to jackets, Partho was seething.. he called every 5 min to check our shopping status… and our default answer was always ‘give us 5 min’… finally, we found jackets to match our style and budget… and our answer to his call was ‘we are at billing’… 15-20 minutes later rash and I walked out with giant macys bags.. Partho had exited onto a different street… and found telling us ‘I am in front of a hoarding that reads NYC style’ very helpful… after another 10 min walk in the rain searching for the hoarding (and him), we saw it… what Partho did not realize was the magic words for any girl is to mention the next store… in this case, JC Penneys!!

After that we embarked on a journey to Lexington avenue to feast on some masala dosa at Saravana Bhavan… without the address in hand, we went to the subway and got into the train with a vague idea of where we had to get off… surprise! Surprise! We reached the place in one shot… then started the search for the restaurant… I wasn’t too keen on the place coz NJ branch was so disappointing… but my doubts about the restaurant was the least of our problems… we did not know where to go!! Plain and simple… so called nandy who was home, and asked her to read directions from google maps… we got them.. and still missed our way… called her back 2-3 times before common sense prevailed and we simply asked the people around for directions… after heading in the wrong direction for the longest time in tat cold rain, we saw the place.. and walked in!!! ate like we have not seen food in a week…. And paid the bill, and asked the guy at the hotel for subway directions… again, surprise surprise… reached home in one shot… and went straight to bed… each one happy in their own way… Partho coz of his dosa n masala milk n hot wheels car…. Rash coz of her denim jacket… and me, toys r us souvenir and 2 more sweaters!!

NYC Day 1

Going to India mid-term is not technically a holiday… That was family reunion and a dozen other things, but NOT a holiday! So, a 4-day trip to NYC was supposed to be the first real vacation I would take after September 08!!! And, added to the excitement of a) going to NYC for the first time and, b) going anywhere in the US for the first time, was the fact that Partho and Rash would join me… Oh yay!! So starts 4 days of madness…!!


8:30 am: We are at the 30th St station and get awesome seats on our bus… This after we cooked till 1 the previous night, and took nearly 40 pics during a 10-minute walk to the station… The bus started on time (the importance of buses being punctual will be evident later), and we were off… Needless to say, each of us had a list of things to do and see, and mine had 2 very important places: Grimaldi’s pizza and Toys R Us (oh yes, this might come as no surprise to anyone who is familiar with my Crayola obsession)… Wonder what Rash and Partho had in mind… Did not ask them (does that make me a mean-person? I aint so sure)…

10:30 am: We reach NYC, and we are already in awe over the skyline of the city…!! We reached Brooklyn 2.5 hrs (estimated time according to Google maps was 45 min) after we reached NYC, after I forced Partho and Rash to get off the right train and hop onto the wrong one, and then changed back to the right one. Confusion over the subway did not stop us from exploring Times Square with our luggage…
Reached Brooklyn… Got introduced to everyone and as usual, I got ‘hyper’ about meeting Kannada speaking people… Just the right amount of slang, with a hint of Bangalore and traces of RV… Bangalore Kannada may not be the best, but that doesn’t stop me from loving the sound of it… forget the city, I could have spent all time, just listening to the guys speak!! But that was not an option (of course) and we set out to ‘walk the Brooklyn bridge’…!! This was on Sug’s must-do list for me, and I looked (and acted) visibly excited… also the thought that Grimaldi’s is right THERE did not help… The bridge is quite something; simple and elegant, unlike the sheer concrete that consist its background of high-rises… The walk was truckloads of fun as expected, Partho, Rash and I hopped rather than walked (and I am still wondering what was going on in Vinay’s mind when we went nuts there)… Pics were lousy becuz some setting was not ok, and no one knew how to set it back to normal… After that, we went to see the Wall Street Bull.. Some pics with that thing and we were off to join the rest of the gang at Rockefeller center… I am not sure how any other Christmas will ever close to this year’s… The tree there was FREAKING AWESOME… Not seen anything quite as beautiful as that… Pics: messy again, this was disappointing… But have memories to last a lifetime (and beyond, if I believe in the concept of rebirth and bla)… Times Square happened too, gosh, such a colossal waste of energy!!! Not sure I liked the place on day-1, esp since Toys R Us was closed…

Dinner was supposed to be this unbelievable falafel-on-rice from a cart close to Times Sq… Just when our turn came after 2 hrs in the cold, they ran out of vegetarian options (grrrrrrrrrrrr)… We went to another cart on the way to the subway and bought their not-so-yum-but-OMG-spicy falafel on rice… After a rather quiet dinner, we hit the sack… Did I fail to mention the squeaky clean house? HOLY COW… The house was spotless!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

End of Week 1: Food diary!!

This was supposed to be a photo-blog!! But that can wait till I am no longer jet lagged..

Wednesday 18-Nov-2009
Breakfast: Upma
Lunch: Rasam & rice (with ghee), semolina payasam, vangi bath
Dinner: Indian style noodles, vada & sambar, Mangalore bajji, gobi Manchurian, Masala dosa

Thursday 19-Nov-2009
Breakfast: Roti and Dad’s famous masala curry
Lunch: Roti and fancy subzi
Dinner: Roti and fancy subzi,

Friday 20-Nov-2009
Breakfast: Roti & sambar, Huli avalakki
Lunch: American chopsuey and fried rice (Rice Bowl), Sutta-place chai, Masala puri

Saturday 21-Nov-2009
Breakfast: Idly vada
Lunch: North Indian thali
Dinner: Curd rice and curry

Sunday 22-Nov-2009
Breakfast: Vangi bath
Lunch: Pre-Kalyanabhojanam
Dinner: Muuli Paratha

Dedicated to Nandy, Sug and Rosh!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

summer of 09.. d'oh!!

well.. this must be what they mean wen they say summer.. is it hot or WHAT? did not know it was possible to sweat-it-out while reading a book...!!
books?? Ahan!! That was what was missing from my life. Sigh! what lofty ambitions I had for the summer! A list of atleast a dozen books on my must-read-now list at the start of summer. Now, with less than a month before I bury myself in coursework, research, Indian student asso. events and many other random things that will take over my life, I realize I only had a list and did nothing about it.
Silk was something that I read. Now THAT was a fine read. The size put me off, I mean, what harm would a book that is barely 100 pages do? Especially when it has some large text. But boy, was I wrong!!! It was EXPLOSIVE. Not giving away anything about the plot, just thinking of the story brings a smile on my face. The things people do for the ones who they love.
Wait a minute. Summer wasnt so dry after all. There was of course, A Thousand Splendid Suns and Between the Assassinations. Could have watched Rakhi ka/ki (Hindi grammar gets to me sometimes!!) Svayamvar instead. I am not sure how either book got such glowing reviews, they were such a dud. Expected so much more from Khaled atleast, The Kite Runner was a delight. Seems like he is having a long-term writer's block!
Writer's block. Although I am no writer on any caliber, I must confess to suffering from one right now! Must be due to the lack of a need to write anything at all. No SOP, no essays, not even a review! Cant wait for classes to start in Sept end. But before that happens, Satanic Verses awaits.
I know why the book is controversial, but the literary genius of Rusdie stands out. It had me from the first page. Nothing else matters in the day except how many pages I read. Reading about the controversy itself, I will hold my opinion, because I havent finished the book.
I know what I am reading next. Midnight's children. Or something a little more controversial, how about Jinnah-India, Participation, Independence.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy birthday 2 u..... Partho!!!

Happy birthday, best friend…..
I am waiting with bated breath for you to set foot in USA, and I am also regretting the fact that I will not be there to see you on the first day, and see that 100-Watt smile that always blinded me…!!
It has been ages since I wrote anything for my blog… And this blog post, I suppose will be something you will remember for a long time… I cannot learn to play a musical instrument to make your birthday special… You have never heard me sing right?? That was probably an easier option than writing this blog… And telling the whole world what a special person you are!!
I am not going to give the chronology of how we met and other such irrelevant topics, that should NEVER be published anywhere!! Instead, it will be a short post to say thanks for the wonderful person you are…
A short Bengali with strong communist ideology was the last person I had in mind when I dreamt of a best friend with whom I could share all secrets. A dude as my best friend, I thought was my worst nightmare coming true. But hehehehe, I am glad I was wrong. You are (to quote the hackneyed phrases) ‘a diamond in the rough’ and ‘worth your weight in gold’.
Whether it was discussing how cute I find a fellow from college or wondering why bioleaching is slowly losing its ground, you have been there. You have been there when people have been pulling me the wrong way, you have been there when I am down, and you have been there to celebrate my happiness. You have taught me to find joy in the simple things of life, like a by-2 coffee in the college canteen, volunteering at an old-age home, helping little kids learn English or math. You have taught me to think beyond the realms of the textbooks and find a cause which I can identify with and truly work towards.
To say I miss not having you around, is perhaps my way of telling the world I am ok without you here. But on the contrary, I miss you when I don’t have anybody to turn to (have lots of 'best' friends here, but sometimes only YOU will do), when I need just one sentence to lift my spirits!
I know how hard you have worked to get into the grad program at Clemson, and I know not another person who deserves it more than you. I am delighted you have stuck to your dream and followed it, with no compromises.
Here is wishing you all the happiness in the world on your birthday!! Hope it is as special as you are..!!


Sunday, January 11, 2009


while i worked at cerner, my biggest indulgence (much to the shock of parents, colleagues and friends) was an insatiable thirst for books.. not from the footpath mind you!! had to be a quick stop at gangarams or blossoms to check the latest list of best sellers and splurge the month's salary on crisp new books..
my partner in crime was mostly bb.. and we sometimes ate our lunch early so that we had enough time to leisurely see through books.. and man! watta way to spend money.. now, did i read everythin i bought.. no...!! but did i try? yes!! 08 was THE year when i took to reading like my life depended on it.. no tv show was as important as gettin my daily dose of reading.. the most rewarding thing to do..
i dunno if there is any such thing as 'the art of owning a book'.. but owning a book you love is essential.. not now, but after 30 yrs, and im retired, these books would always bring back all the memories associated with it.. and well, it wud be a kinda legacy..
i have been to kp's dad's lib.. and he has some of the most amazing books i have seen.. kp has gotten into the habit of reading coz of the books that she is surrounded by.. :) omg.. i wud do anythin to have a book collection that is probably 1/4th of what uncle has!!!
ow, my obsession to own my fav books started coz of a gift tat bro got from a patient.. gregory david roberts' shantaram.. a whole 900+ pages that took me three months to finish.. (cuz some days i read jus one paragraph and start thinking of what the author meant or how profound the sentence in the book was!!!)

in this age of ebooks, hardbound an paperbacks still rule.. for quite a number of reasons...
a) the smell of the book... old or new, all books have a characteristic smell to it.. and it lingers on for a few hours..
b) u can use bookmarks!! (silly reason but im equally obsessed with bookmarks)..
c) some books just WERE NOT meant to read online.. like nelson and cox or bruce alberts!!!
d) books are more portable than comps.. no battery hassles, no concern about viruses while gettin the book.. and most importantly, i can present a book to some1 special and write a personal message on it..!!

my books are right now scattered among family and friends.. :( i have no clue how to add more books to my collection while im here.. but will try my best to..

here is a list of my fav books:
1) India: From midnight to millennium - Shashi Tharoor.. a fantastic book covering aspects of the indentity of our country.. explained in an absorbing manner, the author's patriotism screams out of the pages..
2) every second counts - lance armstrong: prefered this over the 1st book.. my cousin summed up the book in a single sentence 'after reading a few pages, i can push myself to run a few more miles'.. guess tat is how inspirational a book can get!!
3) romancing with life -dev anand: funny, sweet and just a hint of megalomania.. but the book is a breezy read.. and its quintessential dev anand!! his story in his own words.. nothin more that a fan could ask for..
4) marley and me: dont own this book.. but is definitely on top of my buying list..
5) a short history of nearly everything: watta gr8 book.. :) i wanna read it again and again..
6) a long way gone: eeery.. but enough to shake u up to wake up to the world of violence and how children are affected by war..

1) shantaram: enough said about it.. worth every bit of time spent on readin it..
2) riot: tharoor's genius take on communal violence.. written so well, that it cud define un-put-down-able!!!
3) the hungry tide - amitav ghosh: hats off to him! sheer genius.. i dunno what he has described better.. the locales where the story is set.. or the unsaid love that exists between the main protagonists.. (i prefer this over the glass palace cuz that book lost it towards the end)
4) the reluctant fundamentalist: wow!!!
5) the kite runner: its a best-seller for a reason!!! absolutely love this one..

owning and reading books is so addictive.. hope that people will discover the joys of reading... even with playstation, youtube etc etc etc.. and grad school... :D

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Inspiration for the series....

Here is the text of the email that started the Thanks blog posts!!! Your thank you email made me wanna thank everyone who have made a difference in the last year.. :) THANKS again!!!

Subject: A special New year Wishes from me :)

Email message:


In one sentence..

Thanks for everything :)

@ drexel..

drexel pretty much consumed my 08 like nothin else.. after gettin the admit letter in feb sometime, it has been the one thing that i constantly thought about..

it took a lot out of me to let go of friends and family an come here to philly.. trust me, there are still days wen i think i did a mistake by coming here.. bangalore was my home.. and will always be.. a place where i felt protected even at the weirdest hours.. where i studied, where all my closest friends lived, where my whole family stays etc etc.. (but the decision to do an MS was all mine.. and i came here with a single aim: convert MS to PhD!!! now tat is not likely to happen.. )

yikes.. there i digress.. so, decided to come here.. so far so good.. but visa was one nightmare.. i still feel so overwhelmed by all the emotional support i got from everyone who wished me luck and later, congrats...

comin here also meant leavin cerner, my 2nd home for almost a yr by july end.. on the last day of work, i chatted with the most incredible person i have met in chilly philly.. :) some1 who is soooooooooo superlative sweet that he exudes sweetness even on google talk!!! anways... my stint at cerner (hee hee) ended.. and my life took a turn on sept 10.. (for better or worse i am yet to find)

and for 3 months.. drexel has been my life.. and these 3 months have been so much fun.. thanks to a whole bunch of new people.. from different backgrounds, different languages and differen age group (good lord.. feel like an aunty tat im here with a yr's work exp!)

anyways.. this is the blog dedicated to all those people who made drexel a gr8 place to be.. startin in no order..

shankar: thanks! you are the nicest guy here... always ready to help.. i know i can always come to you for help and advice no matter wat.. and i really really appreciate tat..

anup: good lord.. can i jus skip wat a fabulous person u r.. :) u know tat and i wont embarass you further.. wat say?? just a whole bunch of thanks for helping.. from india all the way here..

sug: my disciplinarian flatmate.. math genius.. hardest worker... fastest tamil-speakin person.. my tam slang tutor... and above all, a great friend.. drexel wud be so dull without thou.. adi-pha-vee!!!

nandy: skip skip.. talkative arch is speechless at the girl u r..!! jus wonderin why she aint carryin a 'beware: i speak 2 much' tag on her forehead.. :) she is my entertainer of the year... thanks babes...

manj: oooh!! the strong n silent types.. makes me think why i call myself a nerd wen she is around.. hee hee.. :) ever so hard-working.. and my cookin-partner.. thanks for gettin me used to some andhra food.. never known spice like tat before.. ;)

rosh: my almost-roommate.. the most genuine piece of honesty, sweetness, goodwill, helpfulness i have seen in one person.. and wow, extra ordinary culinary skills (pl sign me up for some cookin classes before i leave).. sluuuuuuuurp tat brownie.. i have no clue how u cook so well.. and can be so sweet.. and be so helpful.. and always be so full of life... :D THANKS!!!

vishal: please smile whenever i am down.. thanks.. :) tat should do a lot to lift my spirits.. thanks for..... wait! too many things.. but mostly for always hearin me n not judging me..

pavi: yay pavi!! gotta know u quite late.. but am i glad i gotta know u.. :) u fall into rosh's bracket of genuine helpfulness n sweetness.. glad to welcome u neighbour.. :) thanks for being so much fun to be with..

rishi: the little boy who everyone adores!!! and is currently obsessed with giving me advice abt not to count calories.. thanks for always findin time to chat.. despite ur 5 courses n co-op and God knows wat all u under grads study..

there are many tat i know for a fact i missed.. but i am thankful to everyone.. :)
here is to hopin 09 is jus as much fun..

Cerner: Thanks!!!

This is DEFINITELY in random order

Saj, Ananthu, VD: You were with me in college and at Cerner as well… Cerner would not have been the same without the RV BT connection… Thanks for reminding me that I am not sooo innocent with all the jokes… All the college-talk made me forget that I missed class… Saj n Ananthu, a special note of good luck to you guys… I know for a fact that you will shine wherever you are…. VD: What is FB and Gtalk for… And you’d better thank me 2…

Shamanth: I miss you more than anyone else could ever miss you… All the pani-puri, arguing about the most mundane stuff, my Kannada lessons, all the advice, all the common-sense that always seem to stuff into my brain.. No thanks would ever be enough... You are one of a kind... A truckload of thanks to your Santro too…

Manoj Kumar: Dude… For all those people who think I have a nice smile, guess they have not even seen your smile!!! Now I can safely tell you: your smile and good morning always made my day at work… Probably haven’t seen anyone whose smile radiates so much happiness and warmth… Sooooo glad you came home before I left… Miss you sooooo much… Good luck with everything…

Bhavya BB: Thanks for making a bookworm out of me… Convincing me that dogs are the best creations of God… Coffee would be so bland without you discussing Sudha Murthy’s latest or Shashi Tharoor… I dunno if I should thank you for introducing me to Marley… The book made me cry 2 days or more… Babes… Miss you so much!!! Your house will be the first place I will come when I come to Bangalore…

Sagar: You and I can set a record for the fastest to become close-friends…. I don’t even know where to start thanking you… You have always been the most perfect gentleman, be it pulling chair for me or holding door open… And all the conversations over a half-chai… You know wat I really wanna thank you for? For not being judgmental that I wasn’t a girly-girl… And accepting me as I am… Drunkie… Miss speaking to you for hours… Hope to meet you soon….

JT: World’s best fun-loving manager!! Been a piece of cake working for you… All the jokes, all the last minute work… Aniket and I always discussed how much fun it is working for you (yeah, we spoke behind your back! But chill, nothing mean)… Missed you on all team-trips though…

Shetty: Vikk!!! Bro… Cerner would be such a dull place without you around… You are the wittiest person I have ever seen… dunno from where you always have the right dialogue for each occasion… Stay the same cool self… And thanks for all help, with Doc and otherwise… (no thanks for starting rani…. Grrrr)

DOC STE: Jammy, Harshita, D, Santosh, Harish… Thanks for making Doc the only team I ever wanted to be a part of… You won’t believe the amount of fun I had being a part of it… More than anything else, thanks for being such sports and hanging out so often as a team… Wish everyone all the luck in the world for everything…

DOC ENGI: Uday, Smaran, Sam, Shashi n Sagar: Thanks for being the best bunch of developers any testing could ask for… You rock!! (too cliché na?) Oh, thanks for introducing me to ROCK music… The real kind!!! Should I still be thanking you for all the SRs??? Guys…. Not in my blog also!! Pleeeeeeeeeeease… OK, thanks!!! THANKS THANKS THANKS… Here is wishing you loads of fun this year too… Oh btw, thanks for all the mails… You know what I mean…

TEAM: WAT A TEAM!! I am proud to scream out loud that we were the best… and guess we still are!!! Thanks for all the team-trips and including me even after I left Cerner… Team outings were the highlights of last year… Be it wonder-la or kerala or go-karting… Had the most fun, coz I was with the best group of people I have known so far… Ever so helpful… And always so much fun… A simple thanks would never convey all the gratitude I have for my team… But here goes… THANKS!!!

Shuba, Harish, Vivek: Thanks for all the lunch convo… And all the food too… Miss you guys soooo much…

Aks: Dude, BEST HR EVER!!! Thanks…. For believing that I was capable of working hard… And thanks for always having the most relevant advice, when I needed it… Stay the same… You made transition from college to Cerner so easy… Hope you continue to do that for a looooot more people…


2008 was easily the best year of my life… And it would not have been so happy, exciting and fun-filled if it has been for some extraordinary sweet and special people… who made each day great!!

I will inadvertently miss some people from the list… But please please forgive me for that…

Here it goes, in no particular order… (sounding like some announcer of a game show.. yikes)

PS: these ar much shorter coz they were written first

Partho: Always been there, always will be… Forever grateful for that…

Ads, Divi, VD: Fall 08 MS as our sole goal… Thanks for keeping me on my toes, for recos, transcripts, deadlines etc etc… Glad each one is now happy where we are…

Rashmi, Sanky, Gu, Rao: Thanks for all the advice about applications admissions process (more importantly, thanks for keeping me off PhD programs) and prepping me for life in US of A.

KP, Viru, Nitty, Sin: For all the CCD get-togethers that I sometimes made to… And sometimes missed… PS Viru: I might not mail so often, but you are still a dear friend an I miss you… Good luck guys for everything…

Priyamvada, Shruthi, Shreyas: For trusting me with your SOPs… Hope I gave relevant advice… Sorry about not being helpful every time…

Uncle Pai: For always being the first to wish on my birthday, for calling and wishing me luck before I left… Miss you so much…

Chotu: MAN UTD cap!!! For being my most favorite little brother outside family… You are much more than wat is in the testimonial I wrote… Continue towards making the world a better place…

Rajesh, Vini, Shinde, Arshad and rest of class: Thanks for being there for me, as part of RV BT 07!!! We rule…..

Ravi 007: Shall always be your sister (remember you told me that on my last day on college)… Good luck with everything… Will always pray for the best for you….

(PS: Ananthu n Saj: see under Cerner)